Queen Anne's County Legacy Foundation would like to thank you for your past sponsorships. QACLF is proud to host the 2024 Holiday Candle Light Tour of Historic Homes. In past years the holiday tour has attracted visitors from five counties on the Eastern Shore and from states as far away as Pennsylvania and from the Smithsonian Institution.
100% of your sponsorship supports preservation projects, restoration and heritage tourism in Queen Anne's County.
For Information: QACLegacyFoundation@Gmail.com - 301-655-3857
Presenting Sponsor
One Full Year
Corporate Logo on:
QACLF Home Page
Social media home pages
All event signage, banners and programs
20 VIP Tickets
on the day of the tour
Gold Sponsor
6 Months
Corporate Logo on:
QACLF Home Page
Social media home pages
All event signage, banners and programs
15 VIP Tickets
on the day of the tour
Silver Sponsor
3 Months
Corporate Logo on:
QACLF Sponsor Page
Social media home pages
All event signage, banners and programs
10 VIP Tickets
on the day of the tour
Bronze Sponsor
1 Month
Corporate Listing:
QACLF Sponsor Page
Social media home pages
All event signage, banners and programs
5 VIP Tickets
on the day of the tour