Queen Anne's County Legacy Foundation
Heritage Tourism
Historic Preservation
Economic Vitality
QACLF.org is a component fund of Chesapeake Charities

'Building community one friendship at a time'

New Projects

Rebbecca Anne Marquardt
Matching Grant for Historical Preservation
Rebbeca Marquardt was a founding member of QACLF who dedicated her life’s work to historic preservation. Rebecca was a past president of the QAC Historical Society, regional preservation grant judge and an author of local preservation grants.
This grant will be awarded to organizations with open preservation projects:
Maryland, national or NFP preservation grants with a matching fund requirement
Preservation or replacement historic species of wood exterior in the Centreville historic district
Sponsorship donations equal to or greater than the requested match amount
Judith Ewing Geggis
Grant for Heritage Tourism & Revitalization
Judy spent 20 years as Director of Operations for Aramark. She was a founding member and a an advocate for cultural & educational programs. Judy was member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, a Master Gardener and a Board of Directors member of the Queen Anne’s County Historical Society.
This grant will be awarded to organizations planning cultural events & projects:
Events which attract heritage tourism and/or the arts to the Centreville historic town square
Architectural enhancements which revitalize Main Street & the Centreville Square
Must include commercial sponsorships equal to or greater than the request
Must support the Centreville Economic Development study

Community Achievements

Preservation Tucker House
Grants & In-Kind Labor

An Exploration of Democracy
A Night at the Museum with Ben Franklin
Fundraiser for Preservation of Tucker House

COVID Community Events
Porch Decorating Competition
Family Mask Making Program

Holiday Candlelight Tour
of Historic Homes
Building a Tradition of Heritage Tourism

New Trees for Mainstreet
Community Investment Matters

Teaching Heritage & Making Friends
QAC 4H Fair

Restoration & New Lighting
Wright's Chance
Grant writing & Inkind Labor

Gala Design Ben Franklin
Making FUNdraising Fabulous!

Electrification of the
Historic Street Lamps
& Annual Holiday Decorations

Tucker House Garden
In Kind Labor & Supplies

First Fridays
Grants for 2023 & 2024

"So much more to do"

Contact us
Queen Anne's County Legacy Foundation
201 S. Liberty St, Centreville Md. 21617